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#Integration into the labor market

The IntegrAGE project

A practical approach supporting the healthy adaptation and integration of the 55+ workforce in the labor market


The aim of the IntegrAGE project is to support the healthy integration of older working generations (55+) into the labor market, to use their knowledge and help them adapt to the challenges of new ways of working. The aim is to increase their activity, prevent unwanted early retirement and extend their productive life. By strengthening their special skills and competences, IntegrAGE strives to maintain their knowledge and accumulated experience in the economy, either by providing training within their own company or through mentoring outside their organization.

You can find more about the project here.

Main project partner:

BSC, Business support Center Ltd, Kranj Slovenija


1/1/2024 – 30/6/2026

Project budget:

EUR 2,319,547.18

Project partners:

  • Slovenia Društvo Jasa
  • Austria Ltd.
  • Germany Schirrmacher GmbH
  • Bulgaria: Sdruzhenie Bulgarska Targovsko-Promishlena Palata
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: JU ''Razvojna agencija Unsko-sanskog kantona'' Bihać
  • Slovakia: TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s.r.o
  • Czech Republic: Innovation Center of the Ústí Region, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
  • Hungary: Humán Innovációs Csoport Nonprofit Kft. Pannon Novum Nyugat-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Nonprofit Kft
  • Croatia: Udruga za kreativni razvoj Slap Poduzetnički incubator BIOS Osijek
  • Serbia: Cluster of social entrepreneurship of Vojvodine Privredna komora Srbije

The IntegrAGE project is financed within the program Interreg Danube, an international European program aimed at cooperation between EU countries focusing on a number of key areas, including supporting the healthy integration of older working generations (55+) into the labor market.

Project news

You can find information about events in individual periods of the project in the regular newsletter NEWSLETTER:


Practical tips and best practices for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, aimed at supporting older workers in adapting to modern work challenges, can be found in the regular BULLETIN:


Solved topics

Analysis of countries with the aim of identifying individual problems of 55+ employment

National policy recommendations

A strategic and action plan to support the healthy integration of older working generations in the labor market

An alliance of interested groups to support a comprehensive approach to age management

Corporate internal training program for trainers and training concept based on gamification of a global campaign and event to spread awareness of the project and its management outputs

Awareness campaigns and events with the aim of spreading awareness about the project and its outputs

A self-assessment tool for addressing skills gaps in the 55+ workforce

A training concept tailored to the 55+ age group to address skills gaps and support their skills for adaptation and flexibility

A mentoring program supporting knowledge sharing

Are you interested in the integration of the elderly into the labor market, do you have unique know-how, are you looking for advice?
Contact the project guarantor for ICUK and make an appointment with us!

Ing. Tereza Okurkova

RIS3 developer / innovative healthcare and social services / IntegrAGE project manager

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After submitting the form, your message will be immediately forwarded to the person responsible for the service. The service guarantor will attend to you with priority and respond to your message as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you.

Ing. Tereza Okurkova

RIS3 developer / innovative healthcare and social services / IntegrAGE project manager
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