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Innovation Center of the Ústí Region

Your partner in the region for a global view and spread.

I want to know more

Are you starting a business? Startup Go! is here

Podnikejte bez přešlapů a získejte expertní služby až za 80 000 Kč.

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From an idea to global markets

We help companies start and grow - economically, through innovation, into the world.

Our services for companies

Think business! Think like a business

Entrepreneurship, creativity, courage - we help to instill in young people.

We offer schools

Ústí Region #New start

We love it, we move it.

New opportunities for the region

For companies

Services and consultations for business start-up, innovation, expansion...

For schools

Entrepreneurship education, practice, competitions...

For our region

Projects for the development of the region, new opportunities, analyses

For your events

Renting our premises for your meetings and events

Think business! Think like a business! 

We help companies in the region to start a business, grow and innovate. We are looking for new business and development opportunities for the region. We are a partner for your global spread and outlook.

We organize for you

února 2025

Jak vybudovat mezinárodní startup v oboru, kterému nerozumíte

09:00 - 11:00

ICUK, Velká Hradební 2800/54, Ústí nad Labem

února 2025
Monday, multi-day


24.02.2025 - 28.02.2025

ICUK, Velká Hradební 2800/54, Ústí nad Labem

února 2025

Jak nastartovat inovace ve firmě pomocí AI

09:00 - 12:00

ICUK, Velká Hradební 2800/54, Ústí nad Labem

Success stories

Take a look at success stories and news from the region, from our companies and colleagues.

More stories